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BD Tech Concepts LLC


BD Tech Concepts LLC is currently or recently has been involved in the following projects:

lwarp package — Native to HTML5 generation:

Using the lwarp package, academic and technical authors may produce the best possible documents with full control over exact formatting and typesetting, while still easily generating a web version from the same source. Native is used all the way to the final generation of HTML5 tags, allowing the author to use a deeper set of packages and custom macros compared to other methods, along with all pdflatex graphics types. Math is converted to SVG images for smooth display scaling, accompanied by its source stored in the ALT tag, allowing copy/paste of math into other applications. The MathJax tools may also be used to display math. See to HTML Converter — The Lwarp package.

keyfloat package:

Provides a key/value interface for floats, subfloats, and rows of floats. See keyfloat package.

tocdata package:

Adds information such as an author or artist to each line of a Table of Contents or List of Figures entry, as well as section headings and figures. Support is provided for the titletoc and tocloft packages. See tocdata package.

dtxdescribe package:

For package authors. Adds \DescribeCounter, \DescribeBoolean, etc. for describing additional object types, with enhanced index options. Also provides environments for generating examples, displaying source code, displaying user interfaces, and sidebars. Also provides formatting for object names. See dtxdescribe package.

docsurvey package:

A survey of documentation for programmers. See Publications.

Native to AsciiDoc generation:

A previous iteration of the lwarp package used native macros to generate AsciiDoc markup, which was then converted to DocBook or XHTML output. See to AsciiDoc / DocBook / XHTML Conversion for more details.

Inconsolata LGC Markup — A font for editing document-markup languages:

A modified version of the popular Incosolata font, previously enhanced by others to add Greek and Cyrillic, plus bold and italic variants (useful for syntax highlighting). Slightly enhanced to more clearly distinguish between glyphs commonly used in the markup of text documents. See Inconsolata LGC Markup — Font for details, or to download the font.

DejaVu Markup — A font for editing document-markup languages:

A modified version of the DejaVu San Mono font. Slightly enhanced to more clearly distinguish between glyphs commonly used in the markup of text documents. See DejaVu Markup — Font for details, or to download the font.

Also see Publications.